
Education about
computer literacy

Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community

Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community

European structural and investment funds project

Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community", UP.


Information literacy education

Instructions for viewers

Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to present the video gallery “Education on computer literacy” with a visual translation into sign language used by deaf and hard of hearing people.

These videos are intended as an introduction to the basics of various computer programs that are regularly used in everyday and business life. We will explain the basic purpose of each of the programs and familiarize ourselves with their interfaces and most important functionalities.

Each video consists of three parallel elements. The first element is a recording of the computer screen in which our lecturer demonstrates work in the mentioned programs in real time. The second element is a sound recording in which our lecturer explains his actions and features of the mentioned programs at the same time as he works out loud. The third element, in the lower right corner of the screen, is a recording of our sign language translator translating the first and second elements of the video.

We invite you to follow the video by opening the program that is being demonstrated on your computer at the same time and try, following the video, to repeat the lecturer’s actions on your own. Of course, you can stop the video if necessary, or skip forward or backward in it to manage your own pace of work. We consider it useful to keep written notes to determine the material. In case of ambiguities, feel free to contact us in the comments and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

You can contact the Association Arteco Pavletić via the email address:

You can contact the Connect IT association via the email address: