Our team
Meet our team and find out who is behind our success

Zoran Pavletić
Certificate for project management of EU funds from Experta Business School and is currently attending accounting courses
Zoran Pavletić is the founder and president of the Association Arteco Pavletić. As an artist and entrepreneur, looking at the rural areas of the Brod-Posavina County in Croatia, instead of a rural void, he saw a blank canvas ready to be filled with exciting projects and colorful people from all over the world. His realization of this potential and his decision to bring to life what he saw in his mind led to the establishment of our association. His constant striving for further global cooperation and improvement led to turning the Arteco Pavletić Association into the multifaceted and proactive organization it is today. He is responsible for the daily functioning of the association, cooperation with partners and planning, organization and implementation of projects. He is also the author of the sculpture of the Pavletić Theme Park and is a pioneer in Croatia of the concept of creating sculptures from environmentally friendly materials such as sawdust and vines. As such, he is the artistic director of the association, which is why his ideas are the driving force behind the artistic growth and direction of the association. Wanting to share his knowledge and experience, he strives to support young social entrepreneurs and young amateur artists from associated rural areas, as well as to encourage the participants of our projects to find the courage to accept the challenge of such projects themselves and transform themselves into caring and productive leaders of their own communities. Always having a sense of solidarity with the different or disenfranchised and not wanting to leave anyone out of the process of building and enjoying well-being, he made sure that we included various marginalized groups in our projects. As a source of vision for the future development of the association, his passionate advocacy of the concept of social entrepreneurship led to the transformation of Artec into the first social enterprise in Brod-Posavina County in Croatia.

Igor Spetić-Speja
Youth club program manager
Long-term, high-quality and comprehensive education in the field of work with young people
Igor Spetič Speja, better known as Speja, is a coach with an impressive 40 years of experience working with young people. Born in Split, Speja gained a reputation as an innovator in the field of informal pedagogical tools. Over the years, he completed a number of educations such as TOT, Power of NFE and TIC. His skills are: innovator in the field of informal pedagogical tools, manager, mentor, crisis manager, coordinator in the inclusion of young people in active citizenship, motivator, change maker, developer of informal pedagogical tools for integration into the formal sector, leader of the youth club, coordinator of mental health workshops, coordinator of synergistic activities, support for young people in project activities.

Ljiljana Semkiv
Certificate for project management of EU funds from Experta Business School and is currently attending accounting courses
Ljiljana Semkiv is a dedicated, long-time member of the Arteco Pavletić Association. Her primary focus is the preparation and implementation of national and EU projects, from the initial stages of planning and writing project programs and applications to their realization and the subsequent creation of reports on what has been achieved. She ensures that our projects cover a wide range of social and educational topics and goals so that we can contribute to as many areas of human life as possible. In addition to laying the groundwork for many of our projects, she also enjoys witnessing their implementation and personally contributing to them by participating in the various creative and educational workshops we hold. After all, she is a professional chef and has been teaching cooking to children and young people for 10 years as a cooking coach in primary and secondary schools. That’s why during our ESC projects she gives cooking classes to our volunteers. In addition, with her many years of experience in working with young people and people in general, we, as well as the participants in our projects, can always rely on her patience and compassion when we need encouragement and courage. In short, she makes sure that we never lose sight of the big picture and the real reasons why our association exists.

Zdravko Pavletić
Coordinator of EU projects and youth worker
TOSCA training and support course for the European Solidarity Corps
Zdravko Pavletić is one of the founders of the Arteco Pavletić Association. It is focused on the coordination of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects. His warm and calm personality makes him a safe hand to guide the implementation of our projects and ensure that the related day-to-day operations run like clockwork. As a youth worker, he takes care of meeting the needs of our volunteers and youth exchange participants and is also directly involved in the organization of various educational and practical workshops as well as public events and manifestations that are part of our projects. With his excellent knowledge of English and German, he facilitates communication between the participants of our projects and other employees of the association. With the desire to expand his skills and knowledge with practical experience, he participated in the TOSCA volunteer training and support course in Cyprus, with the aim of learning how to strengthen and improve the organizational capacities of our association in order to ensure the quality and efficiency of our projects. .

Zdenko Pavletić
Theme park coordinator and youth worker
Extensive informal education in youth work and culinary arts
Zdenko Pavletić is one of the founders of the association Arteco Pavletić. In addition to helping with the logistics of our projects, he always makes sure to add his artistic touch to the sculptures and the overall look and feel of the Pavletić theme park. But his real domain is the kitchen! As a great lover of gastronomy with extensive experience in cooking, he always makes sure that his dishes are imbued with the freshness and variety of foods that he grows himself with the help of our volunteers. It’s safe to say that preparing delicious feasts is what he was blessed with. He is our warm-hearted kitchen master who gladly welcomes everyone into his culinary kingdom to have a bite to eat while he tells a story about history, culture and the region. He always makes sure to cheer up each of our employees and participants with a joke and something interesting, and he gladly shares his great knowledge with all our visiting young people who show a willingness to learn. Therefore, for everyone who wants to have a good laugh and learn something, his kitchen is the right place.

Marinko Pavletić
Theme park coordinator and youth worker
Comprehensive informal education on working with young people and building and maintaining real estate
Marinko Pavletić is one of the founders as well as the vice-president of the Arteco Pavletić Association. It deals with the construction, arrangement and maintenance of the Pavletić Theme Park. In addition, he regularly helps in the organization, coordination and implementation of our projects. His excellent knowledge of the English language as well as his ability to quickly learn other languages ensure his great contribution to our cooperation with the participants of our projects in the fulfillment of daily tasks and the overall smooth functioning of our projects. In other words, he actively participates in all activities of the association in which he brings his own artistic touch, he motivates employees and participants with his social charm, and he is someone the association can always rely on to provide innovative solutions for logistical challenges.