Act Local, Think Global
Act Local, Think Global
Act Local, Think Global
General information
Project Title:
Act Local, Think GlobalProject Type:
European Youth Exchange under the Erasmus+ programProject Number:
2020-2-HR01-KA105-077908Project Duration:
08.11.2021 – 15.11.2021Project Area:
The project took place at the premises of Udruga Arteco Pavletić, in the Pavletić Themed Park, Ante Starčevića Street 29, Malino, 35257, Lužani, Croatia.Project Value:
21,560.00 EUR The project was co-financed by the European Union through Erasmus+ program funds from the European Commission and funds from the Croatian National Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes.Project Holder:
UDRUGA ARTECO PAVLETIĆ Udruga Arteco Pavletić is a civil society organization established to promote the combination of ecology and art. With the development of the association, its goals and activities have expanded, and now its core feature is social entrepreneurship. The association aims to contribute to the development and well-being of the local community by involving various vulnerable groups in its projects.National Agency:
AGENCY FOR MOBILITY AND EU PROGRAMMES A public institution that promotes and implements decentralized activities of European Union programs and other international programs in the fields of education and training, youth, science, and sports in the Republic of Croatia.Project Participants:
The project participants were 42 young people and their team leaders representing their organizations from the host country Croatia, as well as Romania, Morocco, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Spain, and France.Participating Organizations:
In addition to members of the Arteco association, members of the youth association from Oriovac and the youth association from Lužani participated in the project.Contact Person:
ZORAN PAVLETIĆ EU Project Manager President of the Association +385 97 767 0976 Links: Local, Think Global
Holder & agency
Act Local, Think Global
Content of the project
Briefly about the project
The purpose of this project was to facilitate social integration and raise awareness of young people with fewer opportunities, especially those from rural areas, members of the NEET group (unemployed, not in education or training) and members of the Roma and European communities. The Kurdish people, with a focus on young people aged 18-15, both genders alike. The main theme of the youth exchange was workshops aimed at understanding and researching the question of how local action can directly or indirectly contribute to global well-being.
The topic of the project
Intercultural evenings
Getting to know Oriovac
Act Local, Think Global
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Act Local, Think Global
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