
Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community

Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community

European Social Fund project

Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community, UP.

General information

Project Title:

Strengthening Capacities for Empowering the Local Community

Project Number:


Project Holder:

UDRUGA ARTECO PAVLETIĆ Udruga Arteco Pavletić operates in the Brodsko-posavska County, where it has established a permanent themed park, “Pavletić Themed Park,” in the village of Malino, Oriovac municipality. The park serves as a permanent outdoor exhibition and a venue for artistic workshops, focusing on youth. Through its activities in rural communities, the association particularly works with young people and the unemployed, providing them with opportunities to develop and enhance their competencies and skills through creative artistic expression.

Project Partners:

UDRUGA CONNECT IT Udruga Connect IT, founded in 2015, focuses on the development of information and communication technologies, entrepreneurship, quality exchange of knowledge and experience, informal education, lifelong learning, increasing employment, and competitiveness within the IT sector. UDRUGA MLADIH FENIKS Udruga mladih Feniks (UMF) has been successfully operating in the city of Oroslavje, Krapinsko-zagorska County, and beyond for 14 years. The association focuses on various target groups, especially youth, women, and the unemployed. UDRUGA GLUHIH I NAGLUHIH NOVA GRADIŠKA Udruga gluhih i nagluhih Nova Gradiška is a voluntary social-humanitarian, cultural-educational, recreational, non-political, and non-profit organization. It gathers all hearing-impaired persons, as well as parents of deaf children and youth, to promote all aspects of a better quality of life for these individuals and to achieve and protect their individual and collective interests.

Project Intermediaries:

FIRST LEVEL INTERMEDIARY BODY: Office for Associations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia SECOND LEVEL INTERMEDIARY BODY: National Foundation for Civil Society Development The grant agreement for the project “Strengthening Capacities for Empowering the Local Community” was signed by Arteco on 19.04.2022.

Project Area:

The project is implemented in the Brodsko-posavska County and Krapinsko-zagorska County.

Project Duration:

The project is implemented over 12 months, from 19.04.2022 to 18.04.2023.

Project Value:

The total value of the project is 466,910.00 HRK. The EU, through the European Social Fund, co-finances 85% (396,873.50 HRK). The Republic of Croatia, through the State Budget, co-finances 15% (70,036.50 HRK). The project is co-financed under the European Social Fund’s Operational Program “Efficient Human Resources” for the Operational Period 2014-2020.

Target Groups:

  • Legal representatives and employees of the project holder and partners

Brief Project Description:

The goal of the project “Strengthening Capacities for Empowering the Local Community,” UP., is to strengthen the capacities of the applicant and partners for implementing activities in the local community aimed at addressing the problems of the target groups they work with and to be prepared for the continued quality work of the organization and volunteer efforts in crisis situations.

For example Arteco, Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Nova Gradiška and Connect IT operate in Brod-Posavina County.  According to the County Development Strategy of Brod-Posavina County from 2020 to 2017, 1,607 active associations were registered in the county, which were detected by analysis as not sufficiently visible and that their capacities were weak. However, despite all this, the associations are recognized as the internal strength of the county. It is recognized that there is a need to work on greater activity of associations and strengthening of their human capacities through the professionalism of associations. Professionalism is manifested in the fact that associations have employees who create annual or multi-year programs that they implement and provide funding for. The Strategy highlighted the lack of cooperation between the CSOs themselves, the problem with financing their work, the lack of strategic planning in the work of CSOs, and the insufficient and inadequate involvement of volunteers in their work.

The project activities are fully focused on strengthening the capacity of partners and applicants in the field of ensuring the visibility and financing of CSOs, raising the quality and scope of activities and end users, in order to respond to the needs of the local community and its own as a civil society organization.

Contact person:

ZORAN PAVLETIĆ Project manager EU project manager President of the association +385 97 767 0976

Useful links:

Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community, UP.

Holder & partners

Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community, UP.

Calendar of events

19.04.2022 The beginning of the implementation of the European Union project “STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY FOR STRENGTHENING THE LOCAL COMMUNITY”, UP. with the signing of the Agreement on the allocation of grants for projects co-financed from the European Social Fund as part of the Operational Program “Effective Human Resources” 2014-2022 20.04.2022 Employed one person as a project manager. 21.04.2022 Signed contract on attending classes with Algebra d.o.o. where three project employees will have 160 hours of Financial Literacy (bookkeeping) training. 27.04.2022.  Purchased computer equipment for the needs of project implementation.
02.05.2022 Designed and printed 1 roll-up banner for project promotion and visibility. 02.05.2022 Created sub-page of the project. 04.05.2022 In Malin, Ante Starčevića no. 29, the Introductory Conference was held where the project was presented and the Partnership Meeting 1 was held. May 26, 2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, Education module no. 1., Legislative and legal framework of activities of CSOsday 1. 27.05.2022 Education module no. 1., Legislative and legal framework of activities of CSOsday 2.


In Malin Ante Starčevića no. 29, Education module no. 2., Funding opportunities for CSOs – Day 1.


In Malin Ante Starčevića no. 29, Education module no. 2., Funding opportunities for CSOs – Day 2

25.07.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the education Management of crisis volunteering, Module 1 – day 1 started 26.07.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the Education Management of crisis volunteering, Module 1 – day 2 was held.


In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the Education Management of Crisis Volunteering, Module 2 – Day 1 was held.


In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the Education Management of Crisis Volunteering, Module 2 – Day 2 was held.


The assessment of the state of organizations (with an emphasis on remote work) carried out by the Connect IT association has been completed.

02.09.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the Partnership meeting was held on 2
07.10.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the Education Management of crisis volunteering, Module 3 was held. 07.10.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first Information Literacy Education started with the topic Introduction to Information Literacy for a total duration of 1 workshop. 14.10.2022 On the grounds of the Oroslavje Elementary School, a volunteer action was held as part of the Crisis Volunteering Management education, in which the project manager and all partners in partnership with the Oroslavje Elementary School in Oroslavje participated. 18.10.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first of a total of 4 workshops of the second Information Literacy Education started with the topic of Microsoft Word Basics.
02.11.2022 In Malin Ante Starčevića no. 29, the second of a total of 4 workshops of the third IT Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft Word. 03.11.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the third of a total of 4 workshops of the fourth IT Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft Word. 08.11.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the fourth of a total of 4 workshops of the fifth Computer Literacy Education with the topic Basics of Microsoft Word started. 10.11.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first of a total of 5 workshops of the sixth Information Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft Excel. 15.11.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the Education Management of crisis volunteering, Module 4 was held. 16.11.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the second of a total of 5 workshops of the seventh Information Literacy Education with the topic Basics of Microsoft Excel started. 17.11.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the third of a total of 5 workshops of the eighth Information Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft Excel. 22.11.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the fourth of a total of 5 workshops of the ninth IT Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft Excel. 24.11.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the fifth of a total of 5 workshops of the tenth IT Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft Excel. 29.11.2022 In Malin Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first of a total of 3 workshops of the eleventh Information Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft PowerPoint.
01.12.2022 In Malin Ante Starčevića no. 29, the second of a total of 3 workshops of the twelfth Information Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft PowerPoint. 06.12.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the third of a total of 3 workshops of the thirteenth Information Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Microsoft PowerPoint. 08.12.2022 In Malin Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first of a total of 4 workshops of the fourteenth IT Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Outlook, Teams and Planner . 13.12.2022 In Malin Ante Starčevića no. 29, the second of a total of 4 workshops of the fifteenth IT Literacy Education started with the topic Fundamentals of Outlook, Teams and Planner . 14.12.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the third of a total of 4 workshops of the sixteenth IT Literacy Education started with the topic of Basics of Outlook, Teams and Planner . 15.12.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the Education Management of crisis volunteering, Module 5 was held. In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, a Partner meeting was held on 2 20.12.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the fourth of a total of 4 workshops of the seventeenth IT Literacy Education started with the topic Fundamentals of Outlook, Teams and Planner . 22.12.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first of a total of 1 workshops of the eighteenth Computer Literacy Education with the topic Introduction to Camtasia started. 27.12.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first of a total of 4 workshops of the nineteenth Computer Literacy Education with the topic of Basics of Camtasia started. 29.12.2022 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the second of a total of 4 workshops of the twentieth Information Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Camtasia.
03.01.2023 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the third of a total of 4 workshops of the twenty-first Information Literacy Education with the topic of Basics of Camtasia started. 05.01.2023 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the fourth of a total of 4 workshops twenty-second Information Literacy Education started with the topic Basics of Camtasia. 10.01.2023 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first of a total of 1 workshops of the twenty-third Information Literacy Education with the topic Introduction to Canva started. 12.01.2023 In Malino Ante Starčevića no. 29, the first of a total of 2 workshops of the twenty-fourth IT Literacy Education started with the topic Canva Basics. 17.01.2023 In Malin Ante Starčevića no. 29, the second of a total of 2 workshops of the twenty-fifth Information Literacy Education with the topic of Basics of Canva started.
28.02.2023 Arteco Association published a total of 8 online videos adapted for deaf and hard of hearing people in the field of IT literacy on its official YouTube page.

Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community, UP.


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Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community, UP.


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Strengthening the capacity to empower the local community, UP.

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