Social enterprise

The Arteco Pavletić Association

Support for young people and non-governmental organizations in creating a prosperous and connected European community!

Projects of the European Social Fund

The projects of the European Social Fund are aimed at stimulating economic growth and reducing differences between regions.

European Solidarity Crops projects

European Solidarity Corps projects enable young people to volunteer experience and work on projects that contribute to the community and social cohesion.

PROJEKT BR. 2021-1-HR01-ESC51-VTJ-000037284

Christmas Lights I.

First project activity

Land Art Fest I.

Second project activity

PROJEKT BR. 2021-2-HR01-ESC51-VTJ-000044689

Interactive Theme Park

First project activity

Legen(d) Fest I.

Second project activity

PROJEKT BR. 2021-2-HR01-ESC51-VTJ-000044689

Christmas Lights II.

First project activity

Land Art Fest II.

Second project activity

PROJEKT BR. 2023-1-HR01-ESC51-VTJ-000129221

Legen(d) Fest II.

First project activity

Land Art Fest III.

Second project activity

Erasmus+ projects

Erasmus+ projects are focused on education, training, youth and sports and arts, promoting mobility and cooperation within Europe.

National projects

National projects in the Republic of Croatia for non-governmental organizations support community development and solving social problems through various initiatives.

Briefly about the association

From ecological sculptures to social enterprise - our story of sustainable development and social inclusion

Association Arteco Pavletić started five years ago with ecological sculptures and the desire to improve the local community. Through the creation of the Pavletić Theme Park, we have developed a variety of services and projects aimed at sustainable development, art and social inclusion. We organize formal and informal educational courses, and we support young people from the NEET group, with disabilities and national minorities. We provide support to non-governmental organizations and have transformed into the first social enterprise in Brod-Posavina County. Our vision includes European cooperation, fighting discrimination and creating a prosperous future for all.

Briefly about the theme park

The harmony of art and nature - a unique educational, creative and recreational experience

Our Sculpture Park is conceived as a place where art is created and exhibited in nature using natural materials. This unique land art park stands out for its sculptures made of ecological materials. In the theme park, we offer Robinson accommodation with comfortable rest and work areas and a customized menu. It is an ideal starting point for one-day trips or multi-day visits to ancient estates, natural beauties and adventure trails. We provide space for school excursions, team building activities, family get-togethers and gatherings of friends. We organize educational workshops on woodworking and business skills important for entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. We offer a variety of wooden souvenirs that we make ourselves, and visitors have the opportunity to make their own souvenirs and take them away as a unique gift.

News about the association, projects and youth club

Our premises were built by the founders of the association themselves, in accordance with the principles of sustainable construction. As such, they represent a charming combination of the natural beauty of an open-air park with all the necessary conveniences of everyday modern technology.

All the founders of the association have a deep love for eco-friendly sculpture and the practice of sustainable construction, which they contribute to by improving and promoting land art in Croatia. A quest in which they are helped by the rest of our staff and collaborators, all of whom share a passion for the artistic expression of environmental protection.